CCA中文学校停课通知 Class Suspension of CCA Chinese School
亲爱的家长:新年好! 鉴于"武汉肺炎"传播性严重,经征询、评估后决定:CCA中文学校未來二周日暂停上课(即2月2日和2月9日)。学校会密切注意最新动态,二周后的安排再另行通知。特此通告。 另2月4日CCA的新年庆祝活动因此而取消了。 祝 吉祥安康! CCA中文学校 2020年1月27日
Dear parents, Happy New Year! Due to the potential health risk of coronavirus, we hereby announce that all classes of CCA Chinese School will be suspended in the following two weeks (i.e. 2nd and 9th of February). The school will monitor the latest developments and make further announcement accordingly in due course. Simultaneously, the Chinese New Year Celebration on 4 February will therefore be cancelled. Wishing you all the best! CCA Chinese School 27 January 2020