CCA 中文学校2022-2023学年第二学期教学安排
亲爱的 CCA 中文学校家长: 大家好!
CCA中文学校 2022/23 年度第一学期的课程,在12月11日圣诞联欢的欢乐声中已园满结束了。随着的三星期,12月18日至1月1日为学校假期,下学期课程将于2023 年1月8日开始,现正接受报名。
第二学期仍以面授课堂形式进行, 学费与上学期者相同, 即 A-level 班每学期 70 英镑, 其余各班 60 英镑。同一家庭中,第二个报名的兄弟姐妹享有扣减 5 英镑的优惠, 第三个扣减 10 英镑, 余者类推。 请各家长最迟于2023年1月8日透过网上银行为你的子女报名及缴付学费。
账户名称: Colchester Chinese Learning Centre
银行代码: 20-19-97
账户号码: 83229483
CCA 中文学校
Dear Parents,
We hope you are all keeping warm and doing well.
With the cheers of the Christmas Celebration Party held on 11 December, the first term of 2022/23 school year of the Chinese School has been successfully finished. The coming three weeks, 18 December 2022 to 1 Jan 2023, are school holidays. The second term course will commence on 8 January 2023 and you may now enrol your child for it.
Classes of the second term will still be face-to-face ones. Tuition fees are the same as those in the previous term, namely £70 for A-level class and £60 for the rest. Within the same family, the second sibling applicant can enjoy a reduction of £5, the third £10, and so forth. Please enrol your child and pay the tuition fees through online banking by 8 Jan 2023.
The details of school's bank account are as follows:
Account name: Colchester Chinese Learning Centre
Sort code: 20-19-97
Account number: 83229483
Please enter your child’s name in the Reference field, thank you!
Thank you for your continued support of our school.
CCA Chinese School
12 December 2022