CCA 中文學校粵語班通告
親愛的 CCA 中文學校家長: 大家好!
CCA中文學校 2024/25年度第一學期的課程,在 12 月 15 日聖誕聯歡的歡樂聲中圓滿結
束了。 隨著的兩星期,12 月 21日至 12 月 28日為學校假期,下學期課程將於 2025 年 1
月 4 日開始,現正接受報名。
第二學期的學費仍與上學期者相同, 即每學期 70 英鎊。 同一家庭中,第二個報名的兄弟
姐妹享有減免 5 英鎊的優惠, 第三個減免 10 英鎊, 余者類推。 請各家長盡可能於 2025
年 1 月 4 日前透過網上銀行為你的子女繳付學費。
賬戶名稱: Colchester Chinese Learning Centre
銀行代碼: 20-19-97
帳戶號碼: 83229483
CCA 中文学校
2024 年 12 月 16 日
Notice for CCA Chinese School Cantonese Classes
Dear Parents of CCA Chinese School,
We hope this message finds you well and warm as we approach the holiday season.
The first term of the 2024/25 academic year at CCA Chinese School has come to a successful close,
marked by the wonderful celebration of our Christmas Party on December 15th. We would like to
inform you that the school will be on holiday for two weeks, from 21 December to 28 December.
The new term will commence on 4 January 2025, and we are now accepting registrations for the
upcoming term.
The tuition fee for the second term will remain at £70. We are pleased to offer a sibling discount:
£5 for the second child, £10 for the third, and so on. Please complete your child’s registration by
making payment via online banking by 4 January 2025.
Bank Details for Payment:
Account Name: Colchester Chinese Learning Centre
Sort Code: 20-19-97
Account Number: 83229483
Please be sure to include your child’s name in the reference section when making the payment.
We greatly appreciate your ongoing support and look forward to another exciting term.
Wishing you and your family a joyful and restful holiday season!
Warm regards,
CCA Chinese School
16 December 2024